The Azores Islands: A Combination of Hawaii and Ireland

The Azores Islands: A Fusion of Hawaii's Tropics and Ireland's Greenery


Unless you’ve been living under a rock your whole life, you’ve often heard of travelers’ affection for Ireland, with its lush, rolling hillsides, lively culture, and gregarious locals. You’ve also most likely heard those who have long been in love with Hawaii—or have fallen hard for the Aloha State yourself, thanks to its heavenly beaches, amazing hiking, mouthwatering cuisine, and much more.

But what if we told you that you could visit one single destination that was the perfect combination of these two beloved locales? Think of it as the best of both worlds in one unique and unmatched place. What is this magical place, and does it exist? It certainly does, and its name is the Azores Islands, a stunning island archipelago nestled in the Atlantic Ocean just off the coast of Portugal. 


The Azores’ mild climate means there are always flowers blooming somewhere!

1. Enjoyable Weather Year Round

Just like Hawaii, which offers visitors steady temperatures throughout the year for an ideal vacation, the Azores also enjoy a moderate climate with weather that allows travelers to be outside and enjoy nature every single day of the year. An added plus for those who aren’t big fans of extremes, the Azores are much more temperate than the tropical Hawaiian Isles. 


Sunsets are just more magical in the Azores

2. World-famous Cuisine, Especially Unique and Fresh Seafood

Also similar to Hawaii, which boasts global acclaim for its well-known menu of unique and tasty dishes, especially fresh seafood like sushi, sashimi, poke, and more, the Azores offers an equally special—and spectacular—array of local menu items to lure more tourists (and soon to be ardent admirers).

Just as Hawaii features certain types of fish and other exotic dishes you’ve probably never even seen or heard of before, the Azores also poses a thrilling opportunity for travelers to broaden their culinary horizons and taste and try exciting local island delicacies they’d never find elsewhere in the world. The seafood in the Azores is especially incredible, with many local markets and vendors selling the freshest fish you’ve ever purchased, literally brought right from the boat from local fishermen’s morning catch. It simply doesn’t get fresher than that. 


We can’t decide if it’s the scrumptious local cuisine or the epic seaside view that steals the attention in this photo

Whether you prefer it grilled, placed in a savory soup, or stewed in aromatic wine, the fish here won’t disappoint. For rare and intriguing seafood selections to try while visiting the Azores, opt for octopus, limpets, barnacles, or locust lobsters. (You can thank us later).


A sneak peek at the magical alchemy of Mother Nature: This next dish is cooked by her

For the adventurous foodies who are seeking stellar and unique finds that aren’t of the fish variety, you’re in luck, as the Azores have no shortage of specialty items that each hail from the Islands. One must-try dish sure to dazzle is Cozido das Furnas, a delectable rich and hearty one-pot stew that is unique to the island of Sao Miguel, where it is prepared in the valley of Furnas by being lowered into the ground nearby the famed caldeiras and left to stew for 6 hours thanks to the intense heat of the volcanic steam. The edible result is amazing, and the experience is unforgettable.


Don't forget to try another Azores’  signature dish: the traditional beef steak 

Hungry for another, or two? Sample some Alcatra, a pot-roast style Terceira Island treasure that is slow-cooked to perfection, rendering it the ultimate Azores comfort food. And definitely don’t skip on dessert, which should at some point include the Islands’ signature Portuguese sweet bread, known locally as Massa Sovada which can be seen throughout the islands in many variants. Our favorites are Malasadas, mouthwatering round balls of dough that are deep-fried and then rolled in granulated sugar, so be sure and snag at least one of those!


Oh, you know, just soaking up the healing and refreshing powers of the Azores’ special “Vitamin Sea”

3. Hiker, Surfer, and Beach Lover Paradise

Whether it be hiking, surfing, sunbathing, swimming or simply enjoying soaking up the sunshine in a scenic spot, just like Hawaii, the Azores offers everything an outdoor enthusiast could desire. Let’s start with hiking and the fact that each of the Azores Islands has an abundance of trails to lose yourself on. Picture it: miles upon miles of uninterrupted, unfiltered nature… and you. Heaven is that close at hand, with a flight to the Azores and this slice of hiking paradise a mere 4 hours away from the U.S. East Coast.


Let the breathtaking beauty of Praia Formosa in Santa Maria Island, Azores, fill your soul with joy and relaxation

Now for those surfers out there who dream of Hawaii’s pumping waves, we have great news for you. The Azores also offer epic rides, with far fewer crowds and “neighbors” to “drop in” on you unexpectedly—meaning those primo Portuguese waves can be all yours. And as for beaches? Just like Hawaii, the Azores offers captivating coastlines and plenty of places to step away from the hustle and bustle of the busy world and simply soak up some sunshine while watching the soothing ebb and flow of the Atlantic tides. 


Explore the breathtaking beauty of Terra Nostra Park located in Furnas, on the stunning island of São Miguel in the Azores

And for the real kicker? The Azores not only have all of the amazing outdoor adventure options that Hawaii offers, but it ups the ante by presenting visitors with the incredibly rare opportunity to bathe in luxurious natural Hot Springs. Thanks to its unique location and wondrous geology, the Azores boasts volcanic terrain that is not only starkly beautiful but also quite handy for heating gorgeous freshwater pools to a warm and toasty temperature that simply begs you to enter and soak every single care away. 


Let the beauty of Lagoa do Fogo take your breath away

Now that we have covered the similarities to Hawaii, let’s move on to how the Azores matches up with the enchanting Emerald Isle. One of the most obvious comparisons between the pair—at least to the eye—is the lush, green landscapes shared by the two. It may shock you when you step off the plane and get your first gander at the Azores, as the rural fields, rolling hillsides, and meadows as far as the eye can see just may make you think your place accidentally DID go to Ireland. The resemblance is that uncanny, and awe-inspiring.


The Azores are home to one of the most challenging hiking trails in Europe: Mount Pico, Portugal's highest peak

And apart from the aesthetic beauty that the Azores offers in its fields covering more than forty shades of green, the peace, quiet, and restorative properties to the soul that the Azores’ wide open spaces offer is equally noteworthy and pretty priceless. Just like Ireland, there is a wild and untamed—yet to be discovered—feel that the Portuguese archipelago instills in you, causing your spirit to soar and your heart to inevitably skip a beat.


The Azores are known for their friendly locals, great food, and warm island hospitality

4. Friendly Island Hospitality

Anyone who has been to Ireland will attest to the fact that the Irish are some of the most welcoming, FUN, and gregarious people you’ll ever encounter. Be it in a big city like Dublin or a small village tucked away on the coast, Irish hospitality is world-renowned. For visitors who appreciate and are seeking that exact inviting island vibe, you will find all of that and more in the Azores. The Islands are such a rare treasure—one that the residents are quite proud of and eager to share with you—and you will immediately feel at home. The Azoreans also like to feed you well, like family, so start packing your bags (and bring your appetites!)


Learning all about the Azores’ unique culture, rich history, and intriguing heritage will be a highlight of your trip

5. Vibrant Culture and Rich History

Lively doesn’t begin to cover it when one attempts to describe the incomparable culture of the Irish. They are a gregarious and enchanting people, with legendary traditions, their unique regional dialects that are music to your ear, and so much more. There must be something special about islands that lend themselves to that because the Azores also boast a vibrant culture steeped in traditions, such as the intriguing artisanal offerings you’ll encounter in mosaic tiling, ceramics, and much more. 


These charming little chapels are just one of the many architectural treasures that exist to welcome you to the Azores

As for history, while Ireland has its own rich backstory, everything about the Azores—from its wild waves lapping on the shore that signal of sailors past to its amazing architecture featuring little chapels dedicated to the Holy Spirit—practically sings of the enigmatic Isles’ origins.


An authentic experience like none other awaits to awe and inspire you in the Azores

Now that you’ve seen how the Azores has all the amazing things Hawaii and Ireland have, without any of the extremes (like throngs of intense crowds or extremely cold weather dips), when you add to that the fact that a trip to these Portuguese Isles is far more affordable than either locale, the decision of where to go on your next vacay will be a no-brainer. We look forward to seeing you soon, and when the time comes to book your dream getaway, the experts at Azores Getaways have you covered with extra special deals and discounts.


Are you already in love with the Azores? Take a look at our stress-free packages that allow you to book your ultimate island adventure. All our packages are carefully curated by our team of local Azorean Experts so that you don’t need to worry about any details – just enjoy your trip! 


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